Day #22, Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Time of Report: 1930 Z
Position: 44.38, -64.31
Heading: at Port in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Speed: moving rapidly by foot to a hot lunch and then hotel for some much needed rest!
Woody & JD have arrived on solid ground, in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia which is where the red circle is towards the bottom on the map!! They arrived around 830 Z this morning but did not clear customs until 1600 Z - a long wait. Reports over the last couple of days have been minimal and through Bill Tumlin (BT), the weather reporter. All I know is they put on some miles and had times where there was little to no wind and they were motoring to times where they were in winds of up to 35 miles per hour. I believe at one point they were "Heaving To" - for those non-nautical folks, "Heaving To" (also heave to) is a way of slowing a sail boat's forward progress, fixing the helm and foresail position so that the boat doesn't have to be actively steered, thereby allowing the crew to attend other tasks. It is commonly used for a "break" while waiting out a storm, or by the solo sailor as a way to provide time to go below deck or attend to issues elsewhere on the boat (including taking a lunch break) - thanks to Wikipedia for the explanation.
BT said the guys were headed to grab a hot meal and then to a hotel for some much needed rest. We'll look forward to an update from Woody & JD once they've had time to regroup. According to the plan, I believe tomorrow they will set sail for the Martin's River to Mahone Bay (circled in red at the top of the map) which is about 20 nm from Lunenberg, I believe. Woody will spend several days with his lovely wife, Alice and great friends, the Gilkerson's (see the last blog post for information about these interesting folks) and start shopping for a vacation home while there. I believe JD will head on to do some exploring around this gorgeous area by foot and then head south?

Woody & JD's sailing time together is coming to a close and I absolutely can not wait to hear their recount of the trip in person at the "Home Coming Party" which we'll start planning for some time in August. And on that note, I'll end with the following quote:
“There are those who pass like ships in the night, who meet for a moment, then sail out of sight with never a backward glance of regret; folks we know briefly then quickly forget. Then there are friends who sail together, through quiet waters and stormy weather, helping each other though joy and through strife. And they are the kind who give meaning to life.” ~ Author Unknown
Tracy ;)
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